
September 26, 2011
Board of Education Meeting

“My goal is to work effectively with the other six board members.”

Experience in Education and Public Service

Community Service
Black Hawk County Conservation Board, 1992-1999
Appointed twice to the Board and served a total of seven years, including one year as president. The Board was responsible for the tax-supported budget of our county park system. There were many challenges and I learned a lot. I enjoyed a positive experience and would bring the same spirit to the school board.
Dows, Iowa Community Schools, 1967
Iowa Central Community College, Webster City, IA, 1968
University of Northern Iowa
Bachelor of Arts, English Teaching, 1971
Certified to teach Junior and Senior High School English, 1971
Employed as a sign language interpreter with Area 267 for more than 30 years. Worked with hearing impaired elementary students at Elk Run, Black Hawk and Edison Schools. Retired in 2007.
Presently employed at Heartwood Investments, Inc., Waterloo, responsible for managing the company's financial books and records.
Union Membership
While working for Area 267, member of Communications Workers of America (CWA) and served as building representative of CWA at Edison School.


Married (David G. Sparks), no children
Interests and hobbies
Reading, cooking, photography, gardening, travel, fishing, pets, and spending time with friends.