
September 26, 2011
Board of Education Meeting

“Reading is the gateway to achievement.”

Positively, Thank You!

I want to thank the voters in the Waterloo Community School District for electing me to serve as an at-large member of the Board of Education.

During the campaign I emphasized the positive things I saw going on in our schools. In the buildings I visited, I met teachers and administrators working hard to help our District's students achieve to the best of their ability. I am excited that the voters responded to the positive theme.

My goal in office is to work with the other six members of the board toward better educational outcomes for all our students. We should look at that goal in a positive way. We can be proud of the great job Waterloo Community schools do for many students, yet still dedicate ourselves to do even better for even more.

A good educational outcome means that young people complete their school years well prepared for what is coming next in their life. That goal is the same whether it means going into a vocational career or higher education.

I believe that reading is the gateway to achievement. In a perfect world I would like to see every student learn to love reading as much as I do. In a practical world, I think it is essential that students be able to read well enough to comprehend and use what they read.

Communities in our district made a great investment in school buildings. As a Board member, I will work to keep the momentum going in educational programs so our community can realize the hopes and dreams these buildings inspire.